Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm Addicted to Blogging

Ok so it is official, "I am addicted to blogging". I have suspected for months that I have a problem and today I took the ultimate test-and it proves what I have suspected. I am addicted.

I'm a stay at home mom, and even though we get out of the house more than most SAHM's, I still feel a little disconnected from the outside world. So I spend a good bit of time on the internet each day searching blogs and myspace. Most of the blogs I visit pertain to scrapbooking, photography, motherhood, frugal living, organizing, cooking, gardening and crafts. I have found a lot of great information and have tried to implement some of it here and there. I enjoy getting a peek into someone else's life and seeing what they do to keep life interesting. So here it is proof of my addiction. Oh well guess I could be addicted to worse things.

64%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

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