Saturday, February 5, 2011


Well it started off as my "scrapbooking room", then it was the "CRAFT ROOM" but I think I have settled on "MY ART ROOM". Now if I can just get it organized so I can actually get some "ART" done!!!

I think I made a BIG dent in my organization tonight. Although as you can see from the photos....its gotten a LOT worse since the last time I took pictures of my room. Things are piling up everywhere!!!! I am such a hoarder and when I find a good sale....I STOCK up!! (and then forget I bought it and it stays hidden for months!!!) So tonight I tackled the shelves above my work table, my work table, and my organizational tote-that has just been a "catch all" for everything. It had gotten so bad I had just about decided it wasn't such a good organizational tool-HA! If only I had kept it "ORGANIZED"!!!!

I can now see the top of my worktable!!! Now I can work in the ART ROOM instead of the kitchen counter!!!

Here is my tote that holds all my essentials at hand. These are items I use most frequently.

As you can see I have finally obtained some 12x12 paper organizers!! Got 2 of them on sale at Michael's when they had them on sale for 40% off, AND I had a coupon for a 4 hour sale one Sunday, 25% off my total purchase. Of course I did very well and only bought the two paper storage I got them 65% off of do the math!!! GREAT SAVINGS!!!

I have also organized my ribbon, although I think I need one more row. I also still have some cut ribbon in glass jars and some longer pieces shoved into a big glass vase.

I have also moved my laptop and a small printer into my ART ROOM!! Mostly because I have really gotten into the "coupon thing" and it really helps to have multiple computers so you can print multiple coupons (you can only print a coupon twice per computer). Plus this printer is black and white and ever since we installed a new versions of Windows on the desk top-I cannot for the life of me find the option to print in black and white instead of color!!! What a waste of color ink!!! (I am sure I can look it up or something-but who has time for that????)

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