Friday, September 11, 2015

Busy days

We have such a busy week. Today was our first Co-op and it was highly anticipated. We had many new things going this year and we had such a great turnout. Things went so well!!  Jacob is taking woodworking and outdoor sports- four of his cousins are in both of his classes so he is estatic!!  JoAnna is taking cooking and Jace is doing outdoor sports twice. I think they all had fun. We even had to buy Jacob a new hammer and screwdriver for the class. He was a little embarrassed with the tools I sent him with today. One child even offered to let Jacob borrow his hammer if his broke.  It wasn't a bad hammer, had a wooden handle and the head was a little rust tented but not that bad. Oh well. 

We have two more field trips this week, speech and a meeting with the County attendance officer to fill out our attendance cards. Busy busy week!

But the favorite part of my day... 

Jacob reading his Bible!!

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