Thursday, December 6, 2007

Weigh In #11 12/4

WOOHOO! Two more pounds down! I weighed Tuesday and was down two more pounds!! (I also weighed Wednesday morning but after eating close to a dozen chocolate chip cookies on Tuesday I was no longer down 2 pounds-so I opted to go with Tuesday's weigh in!). Up until Tuesday, I was making much better food choices and had exercised once. Not nearly exercising enough but still working on that. At this rate I still won't meet my original goal but I hope to lose at least 10 more pounds before the end of the year.

My husband says it's cheating to go by Tuesday's weigh in-but I don't care. I'm countin it!!

Good luck to everyone in the coming week.


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I've counted Tuesday's weight before, too. CONGRATS! 2 lbs down is awesome.
Path to Health

Tip Junkie said...

Good for you!