This is what I got at Kroger tonight...........

I SAVED 77% AT KROGER TONIGHT!!!!! total was 226.76 and I paid 51.13!!!!!! got a 20 oz diet mt dew-needed a little refreshment after all that deal hunting, got 4 2packs of safeguard soap FREE, 5 Brut deo FREE, 5 Capri sun, 3 Friskas Cat food, 10 Fage Organic Yog, 3 4pcks of yoplait yog, 4 single yop, 1 philly cheese cooking cream, p...ack of turkey lunch meat, 2 sm pcks of armour meatballs, styson stk stir fry meat, 4 gold fish, 44 packs of pasta ALL FREE, loaf of bread, 12 krft bbq sauce FREE PLUS .60+back each!!! Kraft bbq sauce is on sale for .49 and I had 12 .45 cent coupons for each one, which is I made .60 profit on EACH ONE!!!
This is the portion I sent home with my mom...
...and this is what I plan to donate...