I ran across the blog of Teresa McFayden on Today's Creative Blog. And I fell in love with her calendar. She suggests getting a group together to make them and swap numbers with friends to mix it up a bit. Now I am not a crafty person by any stretch of the imagination but I am just dying to try this. So that is my goal for this weekend to make one for myself. Then I'll see if any of my crafty friends want to get together and make them.
You should check out both these blogs: Today's Creative Blog and Teresa McFayden's blog My Minutia for many great crafty ideas.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Christmas Crafts
Well I felt a little crafty yesterday and while at Walmart I bought a little kit to make these adorable ginger bread men/women, candy canes and candy. Everything is cut all you have to do is glue the pieces together and you can attach a pin or magnet to the back. For $5 I think it was great entertainment for little J who is now 3 years old! He loved working with the glue (he has had a little practice when helping his dad put together rockets). So we made a few and we'll save the rest for Sunday lunch at my in laws-my six nieces and nephews will be there too so that will give them all something to create and make a big mess with.
Since J is not in daycare I feel like he is missing out on a lot of crafty things and probably on a lot of educational things. So I am really trying to figure out a routine to include some "school work" and craft time. I've got a schedule all figured out, now only if my 4 month old and J would allow me to follow the schedule and if I was disciplined enough to follow one myself-we'd could get a lot of stuff done!
Weigh In #10
Well I lost another pound. I should be excited about losing a pound especially during the holidays but I won't reach my goal by the end of the year at this rate. I know I can do better if I'd keep up with my water intake and add some exercise to my routine. I need to get my fruits and veggies back into my diet also.
My goals for the next week: drink 8 glasses of water a day, exercise 3 days and have at least 3 servings of fruits and veggies a day.
My goals for the next week: drink 8 glasses of water a day, exercise 3 days and have at least 3 servings of fruits and veggies a day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Potty Training 101 ?!?!
Yikes. I have always heard potty training boys was difficult, but nobody ever said it was down right impossible!! My dear son just turned three. He has never really showed any interest in potty training-no matter what technique I use..bribery, cool potty seats, big boy underwear with this favorite characters-the boy has 12 pairs of underwear sporting Spider man, Thomas the train, Nemo and after Christmas will have Diego underwear. But still no interest in "going" in the potty. After changing him the eight time today I decided to put a diaper on him-not sure who more excited about it, me or him. Maybe we'll try again tomorrow, maybe not. We will see.
I have heard many myths that you can't potty train during the winter. Not exactly sure why. Someone suggested it was because you couldn't let them run around in just underwear during the winter months-but DS was just fine running around in underwear and a t-shirt today. So that can't be it.
I did see a little potty today at the store. I might go back and pick it up I just hate the thought of having to clean that thing out after every use-DISGUSTING! But if it'll help him get the idea it'll be money well spent.
I have heard many myths that you can't potty train during the winter. Not exactly sure why. Someone suggested it was because you couldn't let them run around in just underwear during the winter months-but DS was just fine running around in underwear and a t-shirt today. So that can't be it.
I did see a little potty today at the store. I might go back and pick it up I just hate the thought of having to clean that thing out after every use-DISGUSTING! But if it'll help him get the idea it'll be money well spent.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Menu Plan Monday 11/26

We had lots of leftovers from Thanksgiving, so much that I opted to put them in the freezer for Christmas instead of eating leftovers by myself this week. Dh doesn't care for a lot of the holiday casseroles and I really don't need to be eating them since I am trying to lose weight. So into the freezer they went. So we have a small pan of dressing, sweet potatoes, lima beans, and dressing. Plus I had prepared two large pans of mac & cheese, one for Wednesday dinner with my in-laws and one for Thanksgiving day with my family. We only ate half a pan on Wednesday so we just used the leftovers for Thursday and put the full pan in the freezer. And a friend made us a HUGE pan of dressing and we halved it and only cooked half of it Thanksgiving day and put the other pan in the freezer (and ended up only eating about half of the dressing anyway). So that is a lot of cooking already taken care of for Christmas-hopefully they will all freeze well and recook well. Will see.
As for this week of meal planning, I am doing my best not to have to make a grocery run. I might have to make a run for milk and sprites but that will hopefully be it. Tonight we tried Philly steak and cheese sandwiches. They turned out very tasty. Wal-mart sells a small box of thinly slice meat in the freezer department, saw it the other day and thought I'd try it out. I pulled a few pieces of green and red bell pepper from the freezer (that I had previously cut up and placed in freezer bags) and stir fried them with the meat. Placed them on tasted buns with shredded mozzarella cheese-delish! This was a recipe from Weight Watchers 5 Ingredient 15 Minute Cookbook Everything on the menu this week comes from this cookbook- I JUST LOVE THIS COOKBOOK!! I will let you know how everything turns out. I am not a fan of salmon-but I did cook it several weeks ago using a recipe from this book and it was WONDERFUL! So I cannot wait to try it again!
Monday: Philly steak & cheese sandwiches, w/apple slices and chips
Tuesday: Terriyaki Pork Loin
Wednesday: Grilled Honey Balsamic Salmon w/veggies and baked fries
Thursday: Terriyaki Grilled Chicken
Friday: Roast w/mashed potatoes and corn
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Worn Out
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Weigh In #9
Well after two birthday parties, two nights of eating out and one night of pizza...I was not surprised not to see the scale go down this week. Actually it was up about .2 pounds-but I'm not counting that since I had only nursed once this morning and had about 40 ounces to drink already. I usually weigh in after I nurse the baby for the second time-but lately she has been sleeping until about 8:30-9am so I only get one feeding in before breakfast. Which is just fine by me!
I am hoping for better results next week. Which means I really need to watch what I eat at our two Thanksgiving dinners this week. Dinner tonight and tomorrow night will have plenty of non figure friendly foods-including macaroni and cheese-my most favorite holiday dish! Although I am making it this year so it probably won't be as good. Need to make sure my mom makes at least one pan of it in case mine is a bust! It just isn't Thanksgiving without that mac and cheese.
So here is to drinking more water and getting some exercise this week to offset all the good food we'll be eating.
I did get out yesterday and take the kids to the park. J and I played a little soccer. Of course I was carrying the baby in the sling so I couldn't do a lot of "running around" but I did work up a sweat. I sure miss playing soccer. I am looking forward to getting back into shape so maybe this summer I can plan on an adult league and/or coach J's team if he is old enough to play next year.
Good luck to everyone! And Happy Thanksgiving!
I am hoping for better results next week. Which means I really need to watch what I eat at our two Thanksgiving dinners this week. Dinner tonight and tomorrow night will have plenty of non figure friendly foods-including macaroni and cheese-my most favorite holiday dish! Although I am making it this year so it probably won't be as good. Need to make sure my mom makes at least one pan of it in case mine is a bust! It just isn't Thanksgiving without that mac and cheese.
So here is to drinking more water and getting some exercise this week to offset all the good food we'll be eating.
I did get out yesterday and take the kids to the park. J and I played a little soccer. Of course I was carrying the baby in the sling so I couldn't do a lot of "running around" but I did work up a sweat. I sure miss playing soccer. I am looking forward to getting back into shape so maybe this summer I can plan on an adult league and/or coach J's team if he is old enough to play next year.
Good luck to everyone! And Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Something you don't see everyday
Our neighbor knocked on our door the other day to inform us that the HUGE oak tree in their backyard was split down the middle. She said she was having someone come out to give an estimate on what it would cost to remove the tree. She wanted us to be aware although she didn't think it would fall.
Two days later a ladder truck showed up and began cutting the branches off the big oak tree. It took them 2.5 days to get the tree down. Near the end of the second day they had completed removing all the limbs and began cutting the trunk piece by piece. When the first piece hit the ground I had just run upstairs to retrieve J's shoes and when it hit the ground it shook the entire house. J responded "mommy you scared me!". I had to explain it wasn't mommy that made the house shake, it was the tree trunk. And then another piece fell as we left the house.
It was interesting to watch them cut it down. I wish I would have thought about it and gotten out the video camera or even set up the digital camera to take still shots. Think it would have made for a cute video on u-tube in fast forward. Kinda like the lady that took pictures of herself everyday of her pregnancy or the person that lost weight. Cool videos.
anyway-here are a few photos I snapped of the tree removal.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Menu Plan Monday 11/19

We have two Thanksgiving dinners this week, plus I meet with my Bunco group tonight so the menu is very easy to plan this week! We have Thanksgiving dinner at the in laws Wednesday evening and then again with my family Thursday evening. Since my family is coming in Wednesday I will prepare taco soup in the crockpot-so that will be very easy. I am planning on leftovers for the rest of the week. So I really only need to plan for two menus outside of Thanksgiving dinner.
As far as the weight loss-I haven't been doing as well as I would like. I am not getting my water in nor am I getting my fruits and veggies. Gotta work on that!! Especially if I don't want to come to a screeching hault during the holidays. I also need to get back on the stair stepper and get started running.
I did come across a blog last night that really got me inspired to get on my bike again. While Dh and I were dating we would ride a lot. We had cheapo bikes but we knew we probably wouldn't stick with it so we didn't want to purchase expensive bikes. Good choice since they have been steadily rusting away in the storage shed. But I would like to get them out and see if they are ridable. Especially since J is getting his first "big boy" bike this Christmas. I have very fond memories of riding bikes through the neighborhood with my family when we were in kindergarten. It would be great exercise and great quality time together as a family. So we will see how that goes!
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
Monday: Mommy has bunco-nothing planned
Tuesday: Philly steak sandwiches-a new recipes I'll be trying from the WW cookbook
Wednesday: Crock pot Taco soup
Thursday: Thanksgiving dinner!!
Friday: Leftovers!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Looking Great in 2008 Weigh In #8

Well I have lost another pound-unbelievable! We went to dinner last night at Outback-YUM! I couldn't resist those cheese fries. Thought I'd pay for it today-but looks like the scale loves me today. I would normally be disgusted with just a 1 pound loss-but I really haven't been getting in my water nor exercising so I am really happy with any kind of loss today. That puts me at a grand total of 22 pounds lost-still want to lose 18 pounds before the end of the year-doubt it will happen-but will see how close I can get.
This weekend is my son's third birthday party and then next week is Thanksgiving-YIKES! I really need to get back on the wagon so I don't get into a gaining mode for the holidays.
Well baby is up and crying-so that is all the blogging for now. Good luck to everyone!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Creative Blogs

I love visiting this site: Creative Blogs. This site lists several blogs of crafty and interesting people. It is full of so many ideas for decorating, scrapbooking, any just about anything you can think of! I love visiting this site-it give me such great inspiration! I only wish I could be half as creative as some of the bloggers showcased.
Family Pics
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Looking Great in 2008 Weigh In #7

Well I can't believe it! Got on the scale this morning and I have lost one pound!! After a four day camping trip-full of roasted dogs, burgers, marshmallows and too many fast food meals-I still managed to lose a pound! I was excited to say the least.
So back on track now. And hopefully will have a bigger loss next week.
3-2-1 LIFT OFF
Yesterday my husband and son bought a model rocket. Building rockets and launching them was something my husband enjoyed as a child. So off they went and soon they returned home with a model rocket. They finally got it together even after J poured glue all over the instructions. So they then headed out to find the perfect place to launch it. Once they scouted out the perfect location they called me and I loaded up baby girl and we headed out to witness the launch. When we pulled up my husband was busy working on the rocket and J was running all over the open field-he was having a blast just being outside.
So we are ready for launch and J pushes the button and the rocket blasts into the air. I don't know who enjoyed it more, daddy or J. They retrieved the rocket and got it ready for it's second launch. The second launch was much higher than the first and it landed several hundred feet away.
It was great fun. Still think daddy enjoyed it more than J.
So we are ready for launch and J pushes the button and the rocket blasts into the air. I don't know who enjoyed it more, daddy or J. They retrieved the rocket and got it ready for it's second launch. The second launch was much higher than the first and it landed several hundred feet away.
It was great fun. Still think daddy enjoyed it more than J.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
menu plan monday 11/6

We just returned late last night from a 4 day/3 night camping trip. So our menu planning will start today. After a quick inventory I realized we still had at least a weeks worth of menus that were planned for but not used. So except for a few items we needed and things we need for the upcoming birthday party, we really didn't need much this week to complete our meals for the week.
So here is our menu:
Tuesday: tacos, beans
Wednesday: italian pot roast sandwiches-frozen i
Thursday: chicken alfredo w/italian green beans
Friday: Easy quesadillas w/veggies
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween Pictures
Here are a few pictures from Halloween. JM was a little ham for the camera-she was all smiles. She is growing up so fast. She is starting to reach for objects and grab for toys. And J loves posing for the camera. He kept making funny faces and telling me to take his picture. He also likes to "crash" -which is basically means he just falls to the floor- and he loves doing it for the camera.
There is also a picture of my dad with the kids. He was here this weekend doing some work on our house so I had to take a few pictures.
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