Thursday, August 23, 2012

Week 2

We have started our second full week of school.  I am still trying to figure out a routine that works well with three kids.  It's a challenge.  Seems everyone needs me at the same time!  Plus the time crunch of having to get the 3 year old to daycare before his class goes down for a nap really limits our schedule.

JoAnna is in kindergarten so we are doing letters, sounds and numbers.  She knows her uppercase letters, most of her lowercase letters and most numbers 1-10.  We are taking a letter a day and flying thru the alphabet.  Then we will come back and reinforce phonics.  We are touching on phonics but mostly working on recognizing letters, numbers and writing.  JoAnna also started Upward Cheer this week-that was interesting.  She didn't want me to leave her side.  Hopefully she will get over that before practice tonight!

Jace, well it is a challenge to get him to do much of any work.  He LOVES cutting with his scissors and leaves a trail of tiny pieces of paper EVERYWHERE!  I am working with letter and number recognition with him.  However, he is only 2, will be 3 in two weeks, so he is still young.  So this year I am focusing on letter and number recognition.  So far he has done well with his letters, of course we are only on C.

 Jacob is flying thru his work as we are doing a good bit of review.  I am using Explode the Code to reinforce some of the "rules" we learned last year in language.  Not sure where we will go from there, not wanting to use the language program we used last year-so we will see.  He is doing a lot of reading.  I read to him, he reads aloud, he reads to himself.  Yes, lots of reading.  We had a field trip to the library yesterday with our homeschool group.  He learned how to look up books by subject, author and title. He was very excited to get a book about snakes, he read 3 pages before we were able to cross the street to meet the group at the park.  Fun times. Jacob started Upward Flag football this week.  I didn't get to watch much because I had to stay with JoAnna, but the few minutes I did see he did very well!

Here are a few pictures from our week so far.....

Gold Fish Color Sort

Some math fun!!
Field trip to the library

Upward Cheer

Upward Flag Football

Don't know why this picture is turned, I even rotated it and uploaded it again. Weird.  So after three tries, I give up. Just tilt your head!
Jace LOVES to cut with his scissors. He spent most of the morning cutting and leaving tiny pieces of paper all over the house.

Here is JoAnna, she did not want her picture taken. Too bad. LOL

More cutting....

...and still more cutting.

Here is JoAnna making her "glitter g".

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