Here are a few pics.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Sunday treat
We went for ice cream yesterday. Jace initially said he didn't want anything but after they brought it to our table he changed his mind. He was so cute the lady gave him a free dipped cone.
Trunk or treat
A friend invited us to trunk or treat at her church this past weekend. They had a cake walk, inflatable, s'mores, chili, hot dogs, hay ride and games. They kids had so much fun. We met a family that lives down the street from us and the kids have already been asking to go to their house to play. We will work on that.
American Heritage Girls Day Camp
JoAnna had her first day camp with American Heritage girls. They sang songs, played a few games, went on a hike and were able to play on a few inflatables. One of the parents lived across the street and was having a company party later that evening so they invited the girls over to play for a few minutes at the end of our camps at. It was super fun although we didn't get all of our activities done the leaders had planned for us. We were able to see horses on our hike. They belonged to one of the neighbors.
JoAnna is so excited about camping. She asked where the tents were. I had to explain that we aren't rent camping overnight until the spring. We are both looking forward to that!!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
School work
JoAnna cannot stay still while doing her school work. I am constantly telling her to sit on her bottom and put her feet in front of her. Jacob was the same way at that age, although I think she is much worse. I have tried taking chairs away and making her stand. Which works usually but then she gets tired. Well today I was overly tired, I guess I didn't sleep well last night. So I did most of my teaching from the bean bag chair today. The kids sat next to me or on the floor. JoAnna chose to sit on the floor. She rolled all over the place but it was still better than trying to keep her still in her chair.
Her is a picture of her doing her math work.
I have lost 11 ponds in 2.5 weeks! Not as much as I would have liked but it's a loss.
I have done well sticking to it so I am thankful for the will power God has given me. It's been such a struggle to stick to a strict diet because there are so many temptations everywhere- especially at work.
I know the next thing I will need to cut out will be my diet dr pepper, but for now I am allowing myself one (or two) a day.
I have set another goal to run a 5K in the next year. Everyone says I should just sign up for one and that will get me busy working on that goal. Obviously just writing it down or putting it on my blog isn't enough. Maybe I will get brave enough to sign up for one, maybe...
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Upward Flag Football
Jacob mostly played quarter back and did an awesome job. He is really growing into a great athlete. He throws well and doesn't get upset of he doesn't make a good throw. He also played safety which was a great position for him as well. He can read plays well and predict where the ball will be thrown or where he thinks the runner will run.
We had a great time watching him and I cannot wait to see where God plans to use his athletic abilities.
37 before 37
Yep, here it is again. Another long list of goals for the upcoming year. I only accomplished about a third of my goals last year-BLAAAAh! Oh well.
This year I am planning to make two lists: goals and projects. Things I want to accomplish and things I want to make. Maybe they will equal 37 items, maybe not. We will see.

Things I accomplished from my "36 Before 36" list:
Organize the Art Room: well I got about half of it done-but it was a big portion of it.
Kids Fishing-I took the kids fishing, although we didn't catch anything-maybe next time
CDA-I finished my online classes, completed my observation, took my verbal & written test. Just awaiting the results. Did I pass? Did I fail?? Who knows!!!
Bookshelves-this goes alone with organizing the art room. I needed bookshelves to organize all our school supplies and books, reading books and art supplies. I could still use more shelves but for now we are making do. It's so much better and we have so much more room!
Teach the kids to ride their bikes without training wheels-shortly after writing this one I taught Jacob how to ride his bike without training wheels and decided that was enough for this goal. JoAnna still has a little ways to go, but maybe by next year!
Beach Trip-I took short day trip with my parents and my kids. The kids have really enjoyed the beach this last year. My parents live on the coast and as much as we visit them we rarely ever go to the beach. My kids have always been afraid of water on their face and I am not in bathing suit shape so I don't much care to go myself. This past year we took the kids and they fell in love. So now when we go to my parents we try to get out there for a few hours. I also went on a ladies trip to the beach-so got two with that.
Ladies Weekend: my friends and our mom's went on a weekend trip to the beach. It was all very last minute but so much fun. Several of us went parasailing!! There will be plenty of stories to tell for years about that trip.
Vacation to a new state: The in laws took care of this one. We went to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. I have traveled through Kentucky but never stayed. We also had dinner in Ohio one night and Indiana one night. We had a great time with my in laws and sister in law and her family.
More time with God: I didn't say how much more time but I have accomplished this. I have also joined a ladies bible study at church that I love. Most of the women are either single or have husbands that cannot attend church or won't attend church. So that has been a blessing. Prior to August they only offered single classes or married. So that was a bit awkward for me.
Family Fun NIght: I don't know exactly what I had in mind when I set this. Maybe it once to have a family fun night once a month/week or something. However since the kids and I have had several family fun nights I marked this one as accomplished. We had several glow parties and such this year so that was a lot of fun. Maybe we will work on the once a month thing this next year.
Kayaking-not only did I finally go kayaking this year but I bought my own kayak. I did take Jacob kayaking but I would like to get him out in a kayak on his own. I think he can handle it. Lord help us both if he tips over though. I have yet to tip over and a bit terrified at the idea of swimming in the water with gators, I cannot imagine him being in the water with gators and me having to get him back in the boat. I think we will both panic-we will see.
The *'s on my list were for personal things. One of which I have certainly accomplished but would like to keep it a secret for a bit longer. The other I think I am headed in the right direction of accomplishing but still have a long way to go.
As for the the things I did NOT accomplish:
Enter a Craft Fair
Travel in an RV
Host a Pinterest Party
Plant a vegetable garden (I did plant an herb garden but it died quickly)
26 acts of kindness
Inspiration Board (don't even remember what I had in mind for this one)
2012 photo book
Paint a canvas for the mantel
Drive in movie
tent camping
scrapbook 12 pages for each child
disney vacation (ha, yeah right)
Run a 5K
scan family photos
Lose weight (I did this several times, but gained it all right back)
make sheet forts with the kids
mud ridding on 4 wheeler
journal weekly
decorate the kids rooms
make christmas gifts monthly-I have lots of catching up to do on this one
Attend a couples bible study-guess I failed on this one, but with the ladies bible study staring I didn't need to go to a couples class
teach a coupon class
Simplify- I wanted to get rid of all the junk in my house. although I did this in a few closets drawers, cabinets, etc, I have yet to get a handle on this.
So this next week I will work on my next list, 37 before 37. Hopefully I will be a little more successful at marking things off my list. I think I need to be a little more realistic as well. LOL!!!
This year I am planning to make two lists: goals and projects. Things I want to accomplish and things I want to make. Maybe they will equal 37 items, maybe not. We will see.

Things I accomplished from my "36 Before 36" list:
Organize the Art Room: well I got about half of it done-but it was a big portion of it.
Kids Fishing-I took the kids fishing, although we didn't catch anything-maybe next time
CDA-I finished my online classes, completed my observation, took my verbal & written test. Just awaiting the results. Did I pass? Did I fail?? Who knows!!!
Bookshelves-this goes alone with organizing the art room. I needed bookshelves to organize all our school supplies and books, reading books and art supplies. I could still use more shelves but for now we are making do. It's so much better and we have so much more room!
Teach the kids to ride their bikes without training wheels-shortly after writing this one I taught Jacob how to ride his bike without training wheels and decided that was enough for this goal. JoAnna still has a little ways to go, but maybe by next year!
Beach Trip-I took short day trip with my parents and my kids. The kids have really enjoyed the beach this last year. My parents live on the coast and as much as we visit them we rarely ever go to the beach. My kids have always been afraid of water on their face and I am not in bathing suit shape so I don't much care to go myself. This past year we took the kids and they fell in love. So now when we go to my parents we try to get out there for a few hours. I also went on a ladies trip to the beach-so got two with that.
Ladies Weekend: my friends and our mom's went on a weekend trip to the beach. It was all very last minute but so much fun. Several of us went parasailing!! There will be plenty of stories to tell for years about that trip.
Vacation to a new state: The in laws took care of this one. We went to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. I have traveled through Kentucky but never stayed. We also had dinner in Ohio one night and Indiana one night. We had a great time with my in laws and sister in law and her family.
More time with God: I didn't say how much more time but I have accomplished this. I have also joined a ladies bible study at church that I love. Most of the women are either single or have husbands that cannot attend church or won't attend church. So that has been a blessing. Prior to August they only offered single classes or married. So that was a bit awkward for me.
Family Fun NIght: I don't know exactly what I had in mind when I set this. Maybe it once to have a family fun night once a month/week or something. However since the kids and I have had several family fun nights I marked this one as accomplished. We had several glow parties and such this year so that was a lot of fun. Maybe we will work on the once a month thing this next year.
Kayaking-not only did I finally go kayaking this year but I bought my own kayak. I did take Jacob kayaking but I would like to get him out in a kayak on his own. I think he can handle it. Lord help us both if he tips over though. I have yet to tip over and a bit terrified at the idea of swimming in the water with gators, I cannot imagine him being in the water with gators and me having to get him back in the boat. I think we will both panic-we will see.
The *'s on my list were for personal things. One of which I have certainly accomplished but would like to keep it a secret for a bit longer. The other I think I am headed in the right direction of accomplishing but still have a long way to go.
As for the the things I did NOT accomplish:
Enter a Craft Fair
Travel in an RV
Host a Pinterest Party
Plant a vegetable garden (I did plant an herb garden but it died quickly)
26 acts of kindness
Inspiration Board (don't even remember what I had in mind for this one)
2012 photo book
Paint a canvas for the mantel
Drive in movie
tent camping
scrapbook 12 pages for each child
disney vacation (ha, yeah right)
Run a 5K
scan family photos
Lose weight (I did this several times, but gained it all right back)
make sheet forts with the kids
mud ridding on 4 wheeler
journal weekly
decorate the kids rooms
make christmas gifts monthly-I have lots of catching up to do on this one
Attend a couples bible study-guess I failed on this one, but with the ladies bible study staring I didn't need to go to a couples class
teach a coupon class
Simplify- I wanted to get rid of all the junk in my house. although I did this in a few closets drawers, cabinets, etc, I have yet to get a handle on this.
So this next week I will work on my next list, 37 before 37. Hopefully I will be a little more successful at marking things off my list. I think I need to be a little more realistic as well. LOL!!!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Pumpkin Patch
The kids and I went to the pumpkin patch with our homeschool group. We had never been to this pumpkin patch. It was about an hour drive AND well worth it too!!
They had so many things for the kids. Thu had the wagon rise, train ride, rope swings, tire swings, big slide, horse saddle swing, a big air pillow, sand pits, corn pit, animals, fake cows to milk, etc!! We had a blast!!
We cannot wait to go again next year!!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Sewing project
I have been taking a sewing class every other Wednesday night at church. We started off making busy mats for Alzheimer's patients. Now we are starting to make gowns for the Children's hospital.
So getting little brave I bought a pattern and some fabric to attempt to make an outfit for JoAnna. It took me three hours! Wow.
The next morning I showed my lovely creation to JoAnna. I got exactly the response I knew I would get from her, " I am NOT wearing THAT!" Yep, she is into "sassy" clothes, not cute. I did make her try them on when we got home and she loved them. Even wanted to wet them to her heritage girls meeting. So I had to search high and low for a shirt to match.
They still need a few adjustments in the waist and they are far from perfect, but not too bad for my first time, I think anyway!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Happy Birthday Roo!
My sister's birthday is this week so we celebrated with her on Sunday we got LSU cupcakes, they were too cute!! The kids had at least two each.
Happy birthday Marissa. Hope you have a great day- we will be celebrating at the flag football game on Tueaday!!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Saturday run arounds
Saturday the kids and I went for our usual lunch spot- McAllisters Deli. Bi told the kids we would have to scale down a bit because $30 for the four of us to eat lunch was not good on my budget. We made it under $20!!
After lunch we took a 30 minute drive to show the kids our old house. Jacob has been talking about it a lot lately so I wanted to run by there.
Afterwards we drove another 15 minutes to grab some yogurt. We had never been there before and I doubt we will go back. They didn't have plain vanilla, they were out of two flavors, and two flavors didn't have anything in them.
So the $10 we save at McAllisters we spent on yogurt. Oh we'll.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Weight Loss
Here we go again. I have always struggled with my weight, more than those closest to me know.
I did really well several years ago. I was a stay at home mom at the time, but then went back to work. Wow! Five years later and I have gained over 60 pounds. It's ridiculous. I have tried to get back on track but after a few weeks I always fall off again.
Well I have GOT to do something. So this week I started back in Atkins. I know there are a lot of critics regarding a Atkins. But it works for me and I try to watch the fat intake a well.
I started Tuesday and so far I have lost 6 pounds. I know most of it is water weight but its enough to keep me motivated.
My mom wants to plan a cruise next year and I refuse to go if I don't loose the weight.
So here is to losing!
Fire Station field trip
Jace's class went on a field trip to the fire station. Jace says he wants to be a fireman so he was really excited. Plus one of the firemen was his Sunday School teacher last year, Mrs. Lisa. Jace didn't want to have his picture made in the fire truck but I made him take a group picture with his class. He started telling me his stomach Hirt, not sure if he was for real or I he was trying to get out of taking a picture.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Flag football and pumpkin patch field trip
Yesterday Jace went on his first field trip with his K4 class. He rode a school bus for the first time!! He was super excited! We went to the pumpkin patch. We saw animals, took a hay ride, picked a pumpkin, and played on farm swings. We had so much fun. He picked the smallest pumpkin he could find. He carries it with him to his brother's football game. He sat with it on the couch to watch his tv shows. He even got to paint it. He just loves that pumpkin.
Jacob had his 7th flag football game last night. He is really loving flag football. We missed the sign up for tackle football, but we will make sure not to miss that deadline next year.
Here are a few pictures they took at the game last night. His referee is his pitching coach also. The coaches got a little heated last night. We couldn't hear much from where we were sitting but we could tell.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Catch up
Here are a few pics from this year.
Jace with his new goggles.
JoAnnain her gymnastics uniform.
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