Sunday, August 30, 2015

Day Two

I stuck it out another day!!!  I still am taking in too much fat, but I'm keeping my carbs low and protein higher than usual. I'm drinking lots of water/Splenda tea and staying within my calories. 

I had three protein shakes today, grilled chicken for lunch and ate a Walmart deli chicken strip for a snack- leftover from my son's dinner. Not the best choice, but it was protein, although fried... LOL. 

I've been very busy with projects around the house this weekend too. Yesterday unraveling 590 feet of electrical dog fencing, then dug a 70 foot 3 inch deep trench, which turns out was not needed ( a story for another day).

Today after church we had baseball practice, then the grocery store, then put up a drying rack in our laundry room, started repairs on a few holes the dogs have put in our walls, changed the air filters, and planned some activities for our AHG meeting for tomorrow night. Yes, staying busy to keep the munchies away!!

Here is where I got the idea for the drying rack. It's made out of a crib, which I had from when my daughter was younger. All I had to buy was chain and cup hooks. It cost me less than $10. 

I'll post a picture of mine later, right now it's loaded down with clothes. Each time I added an article of clothing I said a silent prayer, that the rack wouldn't come crashing down on my head. LOL. I'm not the best "handy many", I try but things don't always go as I plan. Hopefully this time it'll work!!

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