Well the scale loved me more yesterday so I am going with those results, which puts me at -2! I'll never understand how the scale can fluctuate in just one day-but oh well-what matters most is getting healthy.
I did the stair stepper a couple of times this week. And-hold on to your chairs-I got up yesterday and RAN! WOW! It has been so long since I have been running. I use to do it all the time in high school and college. I was never a fast runner but I did enjoy it. I won't be running any marathons soon but at least it was a start. Trying to get my husband to start running with me-will have to keep working on that.
So my goals this next week:
1. Run at least 3 times this week
2. Stair stepper at least 3 times
3. Need to work on getting my water in-haven't been doing well with that-guess that
is why the scale hasn't been my friend lately
4. Need to work on getting more fruits and veggies also-was doing well with that
but have somewhat slacked off in that area
Hope everyone has a great week/weekend and a Happy Halloween! Good luck!
Well I just had to get back on the scale one more time today-yes I know-I am addicted. But I was just so aggravated with the thing. Anyway, it gave me same results I had yesterday. So that makes me feel better.