These days it's all I seem to deal with "poop" and "pee". No matter what brand diaper/pull up I use my son always leaks. He only wears a pull up at night, but when he wakes in the morning you would think he'd been wearing the thing for days because it is so full. At times it is so full it is literally hanging off of him. He is doing great going to the potty to "pee" but the "poop", UGH! I have resorted to using my husbands trauma sheers (he is a paramedic) to cut off J's "big boy underwear" instead of pulling the "poop" filled things down his legs and creating an even bigger mess. He gets a real kick out of mommy cutting his big boy underwear off. That might actually be hindering the potty training process-might have to rethink that one...later. So after the SECOND accident today, I told him no more t.v. or video games today. But before my husband left for work he got the new computer game up and running for J to play. I didn't think anything of it as I was busy rearranging furniture in the living room (that's a story for another blog entry!). But after my husband had left I realized J was not suppose to be playing video games today, so I headed into the next room to remind him, although I did plan on letting him continue since his daddy had set it up for him. But this is how I found him...
oh well guess you will have to come back at a later date to see the photo. as my current luck would have it, I can't get the computer to recognize my camera nor the printer to read my card.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Weigh In #2 on Atkins

Yeah I know the Tales from the Scales Challenge has ended-but I just had to add the button for 40lbs lost!! I have bragging rights so I had to get it!
Well I had another great week on Atkins. Still staying between 25-35 net carbs a day which is more than what is recommended but oh well. I lost another four pounds this week!! Brings my total weight loss for the two weeks to 10 pounds and my total since September to 40!!! Very excited about that. Now this week I will start going to the gym so hopefully that will tone my muscles and get me to burning more calories. I have seven more weeks before vacation so I hope to lose about 15 more pounds before vacation. That is my goal anyway. Hopefully I'll exceed that but we will see!!
I went shopping this week and bought a new dress! I never wear dresses, don't care for my calves. But I really like the way the dress looks and it hits me about mid calf so I don't think it is too bad. Plus I'll be working on toning those calves in the gym so it shouldn't be too bad for too long. Anyway, when I wear it I'll have to get a picture. It is a "print" which I normally don't do either. Most clothing items I buy are solid colors, very rarely do I buy prints. So this will be something totally different for me.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Weigh In Day #1 on Atkins
Today was my first weigh in day after a week of doing my version of Atkins. Atkins, as most everyone knows, is based on low carbs, but I am also watching fat and calories. Yes that limits my variety but I know a lot of fat isn't good. After two weeks I can start taking in more carbs and I'll go from there.
Anyway...drum roll please........... I lost 6 pounds this week!!!! I am stoked! I know it's the first week and it'll taper off but I am excited about it. Four more pounds and I'll be where I was before I got pregnant with my first child!!
So this week is week two and on Atkins that means sticking with 20 grams of carbs-which I have yet to accomplish-but I think I am staying in a healthy range of about 25-35 grams per day. I also plan on joining the gym this week. That will surely help boost my energy and weight loss.
Anyway...drum roll please........... I lost 6 pounds this week!!!! I am stoked! I know it's the first week and it'll taper off but I am excited about it. Four more pounds and I'll be where I was before I got pregnant with my first child!!
So this week is week two and on Atkins that means sticking with 20 grams of carbs-which I have yet to accomplish-but I think I am staying in a healthy range of about 25-35 grams per day. I also plan on joining the gym this week. That will surely help boost my energy and weight loss.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Popsicle stick
After a trip to Wal-mart today I grabbed one of the ice cream pops to eat on the way home. Baby girl was in the back seat and started fussing because she wanted a bite. So I tried to give her one but she kept pulling away from it. After I was done there was a little bit of ice cream left on the stick so I gave it to her. She LOVED it! She sucked on that stick the entire way home and while we got drinks at Sonic. When we got home she had fallen asleep with the stick hanging out of her mouth. Too cute!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Well I just looked a little closer into some of my food items. It appears the Carb Smart Fudge Pops I've been eating, which I thought only had 3 grams of carbs, actually have 9 grams! Although the front of the box says "3 net grams of carbs". So I will have to find another low carb dessert for the next two weeks. As I am only suppose to have 20 grams per day. So that brought my total up to 41 grams of carbs for Monday and 32 for Tuesday-YIKES! Oh well, still better than over 200 per day.
Everything still going well at this time. Hope to see good results come Monday!
Everything still going well at this time. Hope to see good results come Monday!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Day 2

Well today is day 2 of the Atkins diet. Not too bad. Was very tired this am-my husband mentioned I may be more tired with a drop in carbs. But I am usually very tired in the mornings anyway. Think it has something to do with getting up 2-3 times nightly to tend to baby girl and not sleeping well when she sleeps in the bed with us sometimes.
So far I am doing good, although I did stop today at Sonic for a Route 44 Diet Dr. Pepper. I know I can only drink diet drinks with Splenda-but they just don't sell those in fast food places.
I am hoping for a big loss this week. I looked back over my online food journal and I averaged about 220 carbs per day. Yesterday I had 26 carbs!! So that is a big cut! Hopefully that will get my body to burning some fat. Also I plan on joining the gym which will be great "ME" time and great exercise-which will be great for my diet and great for me to get some "alone" time. Will see how the kids do going to the little kid center.
Here is a picture of me at J's soccer game. It was several weeks ago but I haven't lost any weight since the end of February so I think it'll serve greatly as a "BEFORE" picture.
Monday, May 12, 2008
First Day of Atkins
So far today has gone well. I have had 22 grams of carbs-which is more than the 20 grams recommended but I think it is still within a healthy range as for as Atkins goes. I am still trying to stay with low fat and low calorie meats. I bought some turkey dogs and they are actually good, low calories, no fat and low in carbs. Also I bought egg beaters today so I won't be eating whole eggs for breakfast anymore-they have a ton of fat. I know Atkins is high fat and low carbs, but I just can't see taking in that much fat.
I have decided to join the Y. I think it'll have many benefits for myself. It'll give me some "ME" time and help me exercise regularly to get in shape and lose weight. So hopefully I will get over there this week and do that.
I have decided to join the Y. I think it'll have many benefits for myself. It'll give me some "ME" time and help me exercise regularly to get in shape and lose weight. So hopefully I will get over there this week and do that.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
This morning baby girl and I got into the recliner for a nap. I told J not to wake us up. Told him if he had a question or problem about his game (Cars for Wii) he needed to go downstairs and wake up his daddy.
Well about 30 minutes later baby girl and I wake up to an empty living room and a quite house. so I get up and start looking for J. This is how I found him....
Well about 30 minutes later baby girl and I wake up to an empty living room and a quite house. so I get up and start looking for J. This is how I found him....
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I Give in...
I am going to give Atkins a try. Yes I know it isn't the healthiest diet and I know most people gain the weight back after they start eating carbs again. But I have got to lose some weight and maybe this will jump start my system to loose some weight fast. I want to cut carbs without adding too much fat and calories. Yes this will be difficult-believe me I have tried to find low carb, low fat and low calorie foods and there just aren't too many of them.
My plan is to do Atkins to jump start my system, make it through the 4 phases of Atkins. After losing the weight I will stay active and keep the weight off. I miss playing soccer and softball. I played in high school and college and could play in an adult league-if I was in shape. I hope to play again when I get my body in shape. With that said I think I can do it.
Of course most of you know that my mom has done Atkins for over a year now. She has lost a good bit of weight-most of us think too much. I don't think Atkins is healthy for long term but for short term I think it can be helpful.
So-after Mother's Day of course- I plan to start Atkins. It will be difficult because I sure love my oatmeal for breakfast and my baked potatoes for lunch and/or dinner. But I hope the end result will keep me motivated to stay on track!
My plan is to do Atkins to jump start my system, make it through the 4 phases of Atkins. After losing the weight I will stay active and keep the weight off. I miss playing soccer and softball. I played in high school and college and could play in an adult league-if I was in shape. I hope to play again when I get my body in shape. With that said I think I can do it.
Of course most of you know that my mom has done Atkins for over a year now. She has lost a good bit of weight-most of us think too much. I don't think Atkins is healthy for long term but for short term I think it can be helpful.
So-after Mother's Day of course- I plan to start Atkins. It will be difficult because I sure love my oatmeal for breakfast and my baked potatoes for lunch and/or dinner. But I hope the end result will keep me motivated to stay on track!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Baby Steps
YAY!! Baby girl took a step here and there this weekend, but today she took 4 steps!!! YAY!! I am so excited. Yes it will be harder chasing her around the house and stuff when she starts walking-but going to the park will be so much easier when she is walking. I won't have to carry her for the most part. She is my baby, and probably my last so it is hard to see her grow so fast but I am loving every minute of it.
I love watching her and her big brother interact. Today we went to the grocery store and got one of those buggies with the little car in the front. So I let her ride in it with him. That lasted for all of 5 minutes until he started irritating her. So I put her up front and he soon wanted up front too-this particular buggy is big enough for two kids to sit up front!! So I got them both in there and he held a bottle for her-so cute!! Then tonight while I was feeding the kids, he would take a bite of his applesauce and then give her a bit-so sweet!!! After dinner we went upstairs for a few minutes of playtime and he had her cackling so loud!! Again, so sweet!!! He just adores her and her him. I hope and pray they continue this love for each other into adulthood. I want them to be close and depend on each other, be there for each other and support each other throughout life. I hope they will be able to duplicate that same bond I have with my family.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
A Mother's Day Wish from Heaven
A Mother's Day Wish From Heaven
By Jody Seilheimer
Dear Mr.
I am writing to you from heaven,
and though it must appear
A rather strange idea,
I see everything from here.
I just popped in to visit,
your stores to find a card
A card of love for my mother,
as this day for her is hard.
There must be some mistake I thought,
I saw every card you could imagine
Except I could not find a card,
from a child who lives in heaven.
She is still a mother too,
no matter where I reside
I had to leave, she understands,
but oh the tears she's cried.
I thought that if I wrote you,
that you would come to know
That though I live in heaven now,
I still love my mother so.
She talks with me, and dreams with me;
we still share laughter too,
Memories are our way of speaking now,
would you see what you could do?
My mother carries me in her heart,
her tears she hides from sight.
She writes poems to honor me,
sometimes far into the night
She plants flowers in my garden,
there my living memory dwells
She writes to other grieving parents,
trying to ease their pain as well.
So you see Mr.
though I no longer live on earth
I must find a way to remind her
of her wondrous worth.
She needs to be honored,
and remembered too
Just as the children of earth will do.
Thank you Mr.
I know you'll do your best
I have done all I can do;
to you I'll leave the rest.
Find a way to tell her,
how much she means to me
Until I can do it for myself,
when she joins me in eternity
By Jody Seilheimer
Dear Mr.
I am writing to you from heaven,
and though it must appear
A rather strange idea,
I see everything from here.
I just popped in to visit,
your stores to find a card
A card of love for my mother,
as this day for her is hard.
There must be some mistake I thought,
I saw every card you could imagine
Except I could not find a card,
from a child who lives in heaven.
She is still a mother too,
no matter where I reside
I had to leave, she understands,
but oh the tears she's cried.
I thought that if I wrote you,
that you would come to know
That though I live in heaven now,
I still love my mother so.
She talks with me, and dreams with me;
we still share laughter too,
Memories are our way of speaking now,
would you see what you could do?
My mother carries me in her heart,
her tears she hides from sight.
She writes poems to honor me,
sometimes far into the night
She plants flowers in my garden,
there my living memory dwells
She writes to other grieving parents,
trying to ease their pain as well.
So you see Mr.
though I no longer live on earth
I must find a way to remind her
of her wondrous worth.
She needs to be honored,
and remembered too
Just as the children of earth will do.
Thank you Mr.
I know you'll do your best
I have done all I can do;
to you I'll leave the rest.
Find a way to tell her,
how much she means to me
Until I can do it for myself,
when she joins me in eternity
Little boy with MANY talents
J is 3.5 and he just seems to excel at everything he does (except potty training-but we are getting there!!). You name it and he does it, and does it well: baseball, golf, soccer, basketball, etc, etc.
Well this weekend we visited my uncle and aunt for their grandson's birthday party. My cousin has played guitar forever and he had bought one for his son-J just loved it. He held the thing like he had played before-it was the cutest thing!! He strummed on it very well and he really enjoyed it. He asked so many questions about the guitar-which I am sure goes with his age-but he was so inquisitive!! My husband and I have borrowed my brother's guitar with hopes of learning to play-but never thought about J playing. So I guess we know what we will get him for his birthday-if we wait that long. He might learn to play before we do.
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