Thursday, January 3, 2008

Looking Great in 2008

Well I got back on the scale this morning and I am back down to where I was last week-thank goodness those extra pounds didn't hang around long!! So I am doing well. I kept up with my online food journal yesterday and drank a lot of water. Still no exercise but I hope that will come soon! I need to get my stationary bike back-but I just don't have anywhere "kid safe" to put it right now.

Good luck to everyone. I hope to blog a loss next week!!


Everything Counts said...

My advice...exercise at naptime!!!

My baby girl was also born in August....August 7 to be exact!!!

I remember the days of having only little people....don't know if it is better yet or not...all 7 of mine are 10 years and younger!!!

I wouldn't weigh everyday...that might discourage you...once a week or so would be my advice...

Also, I wanted to tell you about Spark People...they can help motivate you with your diet and exercise...they have fitness plans, and meal plans and it is FREE!!! Here is the web address:


Just remember, you can do it!!!

Angela said...

I am also trying to lose the weight I gained during the holidays!!!

Good luck on your weight loss this week!!! :-)